Why writing a letter will prevent more cuts to your health care

Author: Dr. Quinte Naturopathic Centre on 1 June 2015

Dr. Durkin and Dr. Bates attended the regional meeting for the OAND last Friday in Kingston hoping for some good news with respect to Naturopathic Doctor's ability to continue ordering specific lab tests like IgG food allergy testing, heavy metal testing, and saliva hormone testing.

They were disappointed...As the regulation stands currently, NDs will still not be able to access the above tests plus a list of many others as soon as the Naturopathy Act 2007 is proclaimed. This could occur as soon as June 5th, 2015. For more info please read: www.naturopathicfoundations.ca/support-ontario-nds/

We need our patient's help in order for this to change.

What we are asking is that you write a personal letter to your MPP telling your story of how Naturopathic Medicine has helped you and your desire to see the scope of Naturopathic Doctors expanded like those of other provinces such as BC and Alberta, not to become more limited. If necessary, this means delaying proclamation of the Naturopathy Act 2007 until further consultation on these issues can be addressed.

Why do we need you to send a personal letter? One personal letter carries the weight of 100 signed petitions or standard letters. It has now come down to the final inning and we need all the help we can get.

This may change the course of Naturopathic Medicine and it's integration with mainstream health care in this province for a very long time.

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Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


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