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New recipe – gluten-free lasagna
Even though I rarely eat pasta now in order to feel my best and keep my blood sugar balanced, I still make my own grain-free version of lasagna that tastes great and doesn't leave me feeling bloated a few hours later. Try this recipe for yourself and let me know what you can think. I […]
What can I take to support my immune system?
That’s right it’s cold and flu season already. Have you thought about what you should have on hand in the house for your family? Are you wondering what you should be taking to keep your immune system strong this winter? In this article I will discuss some of my favourite products. Disclaimer: The contents of […]
Get clear on your why
Today I'm going to let you in on a little secret...this is what separates the people who make the changes they want to make, from those who don't. All you need to do is get clear on your why. Anything you want to pursue in life will have much more meaning if you understand WHY you want to […]
Not my favourite holiday
Welcome to the holiday that all naturopaths, dentists, nutritionists, and the like dread...Halloween. All sorts of opinions and questions start to come up as to "what the rules should be" on this day. On the one hand there are the sugar police who say not participating is best and we should be making healthy versions […]
What will NDs be talking to political candidates about?
The federal election will be held on October 21, 2019. There is no better time to connect with the candidates to articulate what is important to you in regards to health care moving forward. The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) will be focusing on three core issues with the following questions to candidates: Appropriate […]
My favourite Thanksgiving recipe
Want a healthy Thanksgiving recipe that doesn't leave you feeling bloated, tired, and wanting to put on your comfy pants an hour after eating? Check out this family favourite: Sweet Potato Soufflé (original recipe courtesy the Eat Real Food Academy) Ingredients: 3 large sweet potatoes2 eggs1/3 cup butter1/4 coconut milk or almond milk3 tbsp maple […]
Do I really need to break up with GLUTEN?
There is a lot of miscommunication out there when it comes to gluten. What should be a red flag for anyone wondering about how gluten might be affecting their health is the advice that 1. gluten is not a problem unless you have celiac disease OR 2. everyone should be eating a gluten-free diet in […]
How I feed my body, how I feed my soul
Last week I talked about the importance addressing both the body and the soul if your goal is to be healthy. You have to do both. It is only when I started doing both that I feel like I am getting younger every year instead of older. I’m also getting lots of compliments on how […]
Why the answer is “do both”
It’s one thing to eat properly. It’s another thing to exercise regularly. And yet it’s something entirely different to deal with what is going on in your heart.  In the popular Netflix documentary “Heal” they interviewed patients who went through what were considered “radical remissions” of cancer. Patients who were not expected to survive, but […]
How I spent my summer holidays
As many of you know I took the month of August off. This is the third year in a row that I have done this and if you want to dive a little deeper into the why behind it, you can read my previous posts on the topic (One way I prioritize my health). You […]
Back to school pancake recipe
It's here already...that time of year where I'm back from my holidays feeling refreshed and energized . I hope you had a wonderful August with some time to recharge as well! The beginning of the school year always feels like a new start and this year I want to help you make healthy breakfast choices […]
Guest Post – Meet our newest team member!
We are happy to announce our newest team member here at QNC - Scott Allin, Registered Massage Therapist (RMT). Scott has been practicing in Belleville as an RMT since 2013. Scott was born and raised in Belleville, Ontario. After earning a Physics degree from Wilfred Laurier University, he attended the Canadian College of Massage and […]
Better oral health = better overall health
Did you know that oral health is an important determinant to overall health? In fact there are several strains of bacteria in the mouth and having a balance in the oral microbiome is just as important as balance in the gut microbiome. So how can you improve your oral microbiome? Here are a few easy steps: […]
5 simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint
One of the things that I remember learning very early on at naturopathic college is that in order to be healthy people, we also need a healthy planet. The health of our bodies and the health of our environment go hand in hand. This year I have been thinking about this concept even more. So […]
Back by popular demand – Intro to Reflexology at QNC!
Back by popular demand... Intro to Reflexology Day at QNC! This event SOLD OUT in July so if you've been waiting to try Reflexology don't wait any longer! Click the link below to grab your spot on Saturday, August 17th - space is limited! SIGN ME UP! QNC is pleased to announce a new partnership […]
One way I prioritize my health
If you are a long time reader of my blog, or a long term patient, or both, you already know that I took a month off last summer and the summer before that. It ended up being one of the best decisions I have ever made. Not only was it a priority for my mental […]
My favourite summer salad dressing
I have been eating what I call a real food diet for about five years now and it wasn't until a few years ago that I decided I should be making my own salad dressings. Commercially prepared salad dressings contain a substantial amount of sugar and polyunsaturated oils - usually disguised under names such as high […]
How to drink like your naturopath this summer
This was one of the more popular posts from last year (I'm not really sure why...ha! ha!) so I'm posting it again this summer. Enjoy! So often I will have people ask me, or more often ask people who know me, “ does Dr. Durkin (Michelle) ever eat meat…have dessert…or have a few adult beverages…?” […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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