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Intro to Reflexology Day at QNC!
QNC is pleased to announce a new partnership in health - Songbird Reflexology! At Songbird Reflexology they believe that you are distinctly unique and your health care should treat you as such. You deserve a wellness experience which grasps the true concept of holistic care - that your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing are interconnected […]
Why organic food matters
I have a question for you....Have you ever complained that organic food is too expensive?  Would you ever tell your child to not go to university because it is too expensive? Not likely.That’s because you realize that there is something to be said for spending money on things that are a good investment.  When we don’t look at food as […]
Should you be taking an omega 3 supplement?
Omega 3 supplements are one of the most frequently recommended supplements for a wide range of health reasons. But are they really necessary, especially when you eat a healthy diet and include food sources of omega 3 like salmon, almonds, and walnuts in your diet? I knew the answer was probably yes, just from personal […]
Raspberry Zinger Smoothie
It's getting warmer and for me that means more smoothies! In the winter I'm not a huge smoothie fan because I prefer to eat something warm. But once the warmer weather is here smoothies are an easy win for me in the morning for breakfast, or an afternoon snack. I love this smoothie because I […]
Why you should detoxify your beauty routine
It’s easy to assume that what we buy in a store is safe for us to use. Unfortunately, it’s not so simple. Lurking in your bathroom, on your vanity, and in your make-up bag are nasty chemicals that can wreak havoc on your health and on the environment.  It is time to bring more awareness […]
Squatty what? That’s right squatty potty
Today’s post comes from a new series I have written to help people create health instead of fixing disease called an Apple a Day. If you want to sign up for this series please see the link at the bottom of this post. It's time to talk about something that makes people a little bit […]
Pros and cons of a keto diet
The latest trend in the weight loss and dieting space is the Ketogenic diet. So why is this diet so popular right now and why is there as much negative information as there is positive? The ketogenic diet is one where you shift your metabolism into a state of ketosis. When in ketosis your body […]
Keto friendly dinner ***new recipe***
If you haven't heard the word keto in reference to weight loss in the last couple months it's possible you have been living under a rock . If you have heard about keto, you're probably wondering is this just another fad diet, or does it actually have some merit? Stay tuned for next week's article […]
Sneaky names for sugar
Have you ever wondered how much sugar you were actually eating without even realizing it? The food industry would prefer that you don't wonder, but if you did they also want to make sure that the amount of sugar in their products isn't that obvious to the average consumer. So what do they do? Instead […]
How being a big kid is good for your lymphatics
Today’s post comes from a new series I have written to help people create health instead of fixing disease called an Apple a Day. If you want to sign up for this series please see the link at the bottom of this post. Did you know that the lymphatic system is like your own sewage […]
5 reasons I use a CSA
For the past 7 years I have used a CSA. I even consider them to be part of my health care team. I also promote CSA's to my patients. So if you don't know what they are, it's time to be in the know! CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. When you sign up, you […]
5 signs you need a hormone detox
Think about your hormones like a symphony orchestra. When they are all working together in harmony it is a beautiful experience. But when one of them is out of tune, it can be a hot mess! Keeping hormones in balance is one of the greatest challenges that women AND men have in modern society. Our […]
My favourite protein for lunches
Part of my meal prep every week is to have some type of protein ready for my lunches. Today I am going to share one of my favourites with you - Chicken Curry Protein Muffins. This recipe is also a staple in the my Belly Fat Detox and Inflammation Detox programs. 7 ingredients • 45 […]
Are bio-identical hormones the best option?
Over the years hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and bio-identical hormones versus synthetic hormones has been a hot topic. Many women have called our clinic wanting to know if we offer bio-identical hormone replacement. As opposed to synthetic hormones, “bioidentical” means that the molecular structure is matched exactly to the hormones your body produces, whereas synthetic […]
The right ingredients for the best sleep
Today’s post comes from a new series I have written to help people create health instead of fixing disease called an Apple a Day. If you want to sign up for this series please see the link at the bottom of this post. Did you know we spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping?So it makes […]
5 healthy eating tips for busy peeps
Whether you are a mom, a dad, a grandparent, an entrepreneur, a boss, an employee, it doesn't matter...we all have busy lives. And we all struggle with trying to eat healthy when time is of the essence. So here are some tips I follow, that you can start incorporating, to make healthy eating easier in […]
A tasty winter recipe: Shrimp Creole
What do I have in common with Betty Crocker? Not much except one of my favourite winter recipes. This week I would like to share it with you. You can make this recipe as mild or as spicy as you like. For the winter months I really like a little more heat. Traditionally this dish […]
What could your food cravings be telling you?
If your sweetheart knows you love chocolate then they may have been tapping into your brain chemistry on Valentines Day without even knowing it. The different foods we crave can be a clue as to which neurotransmitters in the brain we are needing more of. Ask yourself the following questions: Do I prefer to eat […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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