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Heal insulin resistance naturally
Insulin resistance, a condition where the cells fail to respond to the normal actions of the hormone insulin, is at the root of almost every disease of modern life, such as heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. It is also usually the root of why many patients come to see me...they can't lose weight […]
Our team is growing
You may have suggested someone call the office in the past couple months to get an appointment only to learn that they had to wait for several weeks (or months) to get one. Over the past year our clinic patient load has really grown. I have to give you a special thank-you. You have trusted […]
My favourite grain-free, low-carb muffin
Have you ever gone to Tim Horton's and decided to get the whole grain blueberry muffin instead of the doughnut because you are trying to eat healthier? Guess what... the muffin is actually a little cake, packing a whole 57 g of carbs (aka sugar) with half of those carbs being pure white sugar. The […]
Summer Holiday Schedule
Please take note of the following days that the office will be closed due to summer holidays this month: Friday August 12th Monday August 15th Friday August 19th Thank-you, Team QNC
Are your hormones causing weight gain?
Where you distribute your body fat is determined by the hormones we have and whether or not they are in balance. Ever see someone who has skinny arms, skinny legs, but a large abdomen of fat? It is called a beer belly for a reason. Beer bellies are a manifestation of insulin resistance Insulin resistance […]
What’s the scoop on trans fat?
    Everyone knows that trans-fats are bad for our health, but do we actually know why? According to published studies in various medical journals here is a list of some of the negative effects these bad fats have in our bodies:     Lowers HDL (your good cholesterol) Raises LDL (your bad cholesterol) Raises […]
Are you a sugar burner or a fat burner?
    With dietary advice like “Eat 5-6 small meals a day”, and “Get lots of whole grains to get enough fibre” , being a sugar burner has become the new normal. Unfortunately this so-called “sound dietary advice” is not working for many people. We are walking around with plenty of available stored energy as […]
Making my own salad dressing isn’t as hard as I thought
I have been eating what I call a real food diet for about three years now and it wasn't until about a year and a half in that I decided I should be making my own salad dressings. Commercially prepared salad dressings contain a substantial amount of sugar and polyunsaturated oils - usually disguised under names […]
Simple uses for magnesium
  Magnesium is probably one of the most important minerals we need in our bodies, yet is one that easily becomes deficient. Magnesium is responsible for over 200 different enzymatic reactions in the body and is one of the first minerals I think about for treating menstrual cramps, restless leg syndrome, constipation, muscle spasms or […]
Eating fat doesn’t make you fat
  If you believe in science it is my hope that by the end of this article you will understand why the above statement is true. Unfortunately if you are swayed by marketing, you'll keep thinking that whole wheat bagels, cereal, and low fat crackers, yogurt, and other prepackaged low fat snacks are on the menu for […]
Diagnosing food sensitivities
Many people suffer from chronic symptoms or diseases that could have an underlying cause of food sensitivities. These symptoms could be as obvious as gas, bloating, or loose stool after eating or could be as subtle as joint swelling, skin rashes, or weight gain. With any type of chronic inflammatory process or digestive complaint in […]
Best grain-free, low-carb, anti-inflammatory substitute for rice
  Are you are trying to lose weight, improve your digestion, or get rid of some aches and pains that have become chronic? Chances are you might have been guided to try eating a grain-free, low-carb food plan to see if it will help. One of the foods that people will often miss on this food […]
Rethinking cholesterol…bring back the eggs with the yolk!
Do you limit your intake of cholesterol-containing foods like red meat, eggs, butter, and cheese in the name of health? Many people believe that eating cholesterol will give them high cholesterol, and that high cholesterol will put them at greater risk for heart disease. After all, this has been the prevailing story many of us […]
Treating your teen’s acne naturally
To treat acne successfully we have to look at the skin as a reflection of the health of the inside of your body. Simply using topical treatments will help control the symptoms but will not cure your acne. The underlying causes of acne are due to one or more of these factors: your nutritional status, […]
What happened to my blood work when I changed my diet
One of the principles of Naturopathic Medicine is physician heal thyself. Over my 13 year career as a naturopathic doctor I find the more I work on myself, the better I can help my patients. One area that I decided to focus on after getting blood work back on myself a few years ago was […]
Sick of using OTC antihistamines?
  Are you sick of using over-the-counter antihistamines? Maybe it's time to try some of these natural alternatives:   Quercitin - Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found in apples, grapefruit, onions, and red wine. It is known as a mast cell stabilizer. This is important in the treatment of allergies because your mast cells are the cells […]
Healthy alternative to chocolate bars
    Are you trying to get off sugar? Here's what I use as a healthy alternative to eating chocolate bars when you are looking for a little sweet treat. The serving size for this recipe is two poppers so try not to eat five or six. I keep them in the freezer after I […]
Did you miss your invitation?
It's finally spring and at our clinic that means it's Naturopathic Medicine Week! As part of Naturopathic Medicine Week we will be holding our annual 10 day group detox once again and I wanted to make sure you had a personal invitation to join us again this year. You may have already received this invitation if […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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