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2015 Holiday Schedule
Happy Holidays to everyone! Please take note of the following changes to the clinic schedule for the holidays: Dec. 24th (Christmas Eve): Closed at noon CLOSED Dec. 25th - Dec. 29th Dec. 29th: Open 9am - 6pm Dec. 30th: Open 9am - 6pm CLOSED: Dec. 31st - Jan.4th Regular office hours resume on Jan. 4th. Reminder: […]
I only make cookies once a year and when I do it’s this one
The Christmas season tends to be the most common time of year that people stray away from their healthy eating goals. I find it interesting how the indulgences of Christmas Day have evolved over time to span the entire month of December. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Christmas cookies that my mom makes […]
How can chaos be healing?
Today I have decided to share an interesting article that I found when organizing the many folders of papers that I have kept since naturopathic college. Considering recent events in the world I find it quite timely. It is titled “The Role of Chaos in Disease and Healing” by Richard H. Lee of the China […]
Are you making one of these 7 mistakes?
If you want to know the 7 Mistakes that (Even) Health Conscious People Make, you need to read this book by co-founder and friend of the Eat Real Food Academy, Carolyn Coffin. I started working with Carolyn three years ago when we co-founded the Eat Real Food Academy. This online community support for anyone who […]
My new favourite product for your immune system this winter
Every once in a while a company comes out with a product that I am super excited about! This year it is Genestra's HMF Fit for School. This is an immune formula that was specifically developed for kids to take during the cold and flu season, but I will be using it myself this winter […]
Registration now open!!
Is it time for you to take the next step in improving what you eat, and consequently how you feel? Are you ready to learn more information about nutrition in the the next few weeks than you've learned in the last 30 years? Do you need accountability to stick with a change in eating for […]
Last chance to learn with Dr. Durkin
Hi QNC Community! I want you to be first to know that I will be hosting the last Eat Real Food Academy online course for 2015 with Carolyn Coffin very soon! So mark this date in your calendar: Friday October 23rd,  and go to: http://www.eatrealfoodacademy.com/erfasignup/ to sign up. Registration will only be open for a limited time […]
If you don’t want to miss any info – one thing you need to do
You may have noticed by now that we have made some changes to our website! In order for you to continue to receive our newsletter we need you to do one thing. Please sign up using the new button on the right-hand side of our website. You will need to enter your first name and […]
Want to learn more about reflexology?
What is Reflexology and who can benefit from it? Join Jessica Ruttan, Registered Reflexologist, as she discusses the history and definition of Reflexology and how it can benefit you. This free presentation will be held at Quinte Naturopathic Centre on Wednesday October 21st at 6pm.  Please call the office at 613-966-9660 or email reception@quintenc.ca to […]
Someone is turning 40!
  Yes, you guessed it! Dr. Durkin is turning a fabulous 40 this year! So we figured she deserved a little time off to celebrate. She will be out of the office from Wednesday Sept. 16th - Friday Sept. 18th. Don't worry though, we have you covered. The office will still be open for regular […]
True or false? Is changing your diet hard?
In my experience people believe changing their diet is hard...until they actually do it. Meet Pat, a patient at QNC and one of our Eat Real Food Academy graduates. She said goodbye to heartburn, aches and pains, and a few extra pounds. She said hello to a good night's sleep and finally enjoying cooking for the […]
Can changing the food you eat really make a difference?
It can if you let it. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. It's a basic truth that will never be able to find a loophole for. You many be able to use all sorts of heroic measures to buy you some time, but in the end it all boils down to […]
This email made me so happy
Well the results are in! I am glad to announce that I have successfully passed the Therapeutics & Prescribing exam. Thank-you to everyone who expressed their confidence in me. I really appreciate it! Patients are now welcome to start booking B12 shots again with reception.  
Will you take on the challenge?
Have you ever noticed how much better you feel when you eat more veggies? From better bowel movements to improved appetite control, to weight loss, simply boosting your veggie intake can go a long way toward helping you realize your health goals. Have you also noticed that summer tends to get you off your game when […]
Holidays in August
  Here's a quick reminder of the days that the office will be closed in August: 1. Monday Aug 3rd (Civic Holiday) - closed all day 2. Monday Aug 10th - closed all day 3. Tuesday Aug 11th - closed at 2pm; will be open 9am - 2pm  
How I set myself up for success
It doesn’t matter what you do in life, if you set yourself up for success you are more likely to reach your goals. This is something that I teach when working with patients to improve their health, and at times, I manage to follow my own advice. Many of you know that I wrote a […]
Last chance to sign up for meditation Q & A with Dana
[img_text_aside style="2" image="http://www.quintenc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAIvAAAAJDMyNzgxNjljLTg1MDAtNDJmYy1hMjY2LTgxNzJkNzEzMWE1ZQ.jpg" image_alignment="right" headline="" text="%3Cp%3EThis%20is%20your%20last%20chance%20to%20accept%20an%20invitation%20from%20Dana%20Goodfellow%2C%20RMT%20and%20meditation%20facilitator%20to%20attend%20her%20Q%20%26amp%3B%20A%20session%20for%20QNC%20patients!%3C%2Fp%3E%0A%3Cp%3E%3Cstrong%3EThe%20session%20will%20be%20held%20on%20July%2020th%2C%202015%20at%206pm%20at%20QNC.%C2%A0%3C%2Fstrong%3E%3C%2Fp%3E%0A%3Cp%3EYou%20will%20have%20the%20unique%20opportunity%20to%20sit%20down%20with%20Dana%20to%20learn%20more%20about%20meditation%20and%20how%20it%20can%20enhance%20your%20overall%20health.%20Bring%20your%20questions%20about%20specific%20health%20conditions%20for%20Dana%20to%20answer%20as%20well.%3C%2Fp%3E%0A%3Cp%3E%3Cstrong%3EPlease%20call%20(613-966-9660)%20or%20email%20(reception%40quintenc.ca)%20the%20office%20to%20register.%3C%2Fstrong%3E%3C%2Fp%3E%0A" alignment="center"][/img_text_aside]
Changes for Naturopathic Medicine in Ontario
I am pleased to announce that effective July 1, 2015, Naturopathic Doctors in Ontario were moved from being regulated under the Drugless Practitioners Act to the Registered Health Professions Act (RHPA). The initiative to move the regulation of Naturopathy in Ontario began more than two decades ago. While the sudden proclamation date poses some transitional challenges, this […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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