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Nip Seasonal Allergies in the Bud
Studies have shown that about 7 million Canadians suffer from allergies or allergic illness, and the number is steadily growing. Allergic reactions are the immune system overreacting to allergens — for example, food, pollen, grass, weeds, dander, etc. — that trigger symptoms such as sneezing, wheezing, runny eyes, stuffy nose, coughing, and itching. Asthma, hives, […]
Swine Flu Questions Answered
Since the April swine flu outbreak, we’ve had a few calls from patients asking us what they can do to prevent themselves from getting ill with the virus. As of right now, we are not aware of anything that will prevent swine flu in particular. The best advice we can give, then, is what we would […]
Naturopathic Medicine Week: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Looking to improve your overall health and learn more about preventing illness and disease? May 2–10, 2009 is Naturopathic Medicine Week! Although the information is available to you at all times, this is a great opportunity to learn about what a naturopathic doctor can do to help you reach optimal health. As we already mention […]
Happy Earth Day!
Happy Earth Day, all! Although we need to always take great care of this volatile and delicate planet we call home, today is one day in which we especially honour Earth by paying special attention to the footprints we create here. All over the world, people gather to celebrate Earth Day with events, campaigns, new […]
Spring 2009 Newsletter
Start off Spring with Beautiful, Healthy Feet Your feet…what would you do without them? Most of us don’t think much about our feet, but we put them through a lot of stress. Over the course of our lives, we walk about 100,000 miles. That’s four times around the world! That stress and general aging adds challenges […]
Metabolism is Key to Losing Weight
So you need or want to lose weight, and you’ve tried various methods for years. You’re tired of trying hard with diets and exercise and not seeing significant results. The next step, then, is to examine your metabolism. Those who have difficulty losing weight often have a slow metabolism or one that is not functioning […]
Quitting Smoking and Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an easy-to-learn system of reducing anxiety and cravings in a matter of minutes. The main premise of EFT is that negative emotions, including addictive cravings, are a result of a disruption in the energy system. Treating the disruption with EFT reduces or in many cases eliminates the associated anxiety, craving, […]
Alert Issued Regarding Blood-Pressure Drugs
You may already have read or heard about the recent notice from the Heart and Stroke Foundation that taking two commonly prescribed blood-pressure drugs in combination may cause severe heart and kidney problems, possible organ failure, and even death. On their own, the drugs are considered safe. But angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) and angiotensin […]
The Bioidentical Debate
Since being discussed on The Oprah Show recently, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and bioidentical versus synthetic hormones has been a hot topic. Many women have called our clinic wanting to know if we offer bioidentical hormone replacement as well as to find out more about it. As opposed to synthetic hormones, “bioidentical” means that the […]
Winter 2008-09 Newsletter
Supplement Spotlight UltraMeal is a nutritional powder designed for those who need to improve body composition. UltraMeal promotes the loss of body fat while helping maintain lean muscle mass. It is a great-tasting and satisfying high-protein, low-glycemic index power that comes in a variety of flavours, such as chocolate, strawberry, raspberry, mocha, banana, and peach. […]
Klean Kanteen: The Answer to Plastic Water Bottles
With all the talk about bisphenol A (BPA) in plastic water bottles, Quinte Naturopathic Centre decided to find an alternative. Because we believe in the prevention of illness but also in working hard to help create a happy and healthy planet, we chose Klean Kanteen. Klean Kanteen released their first stainless steel water bottle in […]
Happy New Year!
Most of us long ago gave up making New Year’s resolutions, but only because we tend to disappoint ourselves when we so easily fall back on bad habits. The thing is, every minute, let alone every year, is a chance to make a new start. So never mind if you gorged on turkey and pie […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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