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Are you sick of using OTC anti-histamines?
Are you sick of using over-the-counter antihistamines? Maybe it's time to try a different approach. Not only are there some excellent effective alternatives to help you manage your symptoms during allergy season, there are ways to get rid of your allergies all together! Many of you start reacting to external allergens like pollens, and grasses […]
What we’re eating this week on the inflammation detox
Yesterday was the start date of my group spring detox. This year's detox we are focusing on inflammation so today I am going to include one of the recipes on our meal plan this week: Crispy Brussel Sprouts If you told me when I was twelve years old that I would be loving brussel sprouts […]
When is it going to happen?
Today I wanted to share a video that I dug up from the archives of the course I used to co-teach with Carolyn from the Eat Real Food Academy. Even though it's an old video, the concept never fails to apply if you want to set yourself up for success. Have you fallen off your […]
5 signs you are chronically inflamed
In my post last week I talked about how important treating chronic inflammation was to improving health outcomes - particularly as they relate to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer prevention. This week I want to delve a little bit deeper as to what might be some warning signs that chronic inflammation is a problem for […]
The 3 most important things to focus on to improve health outcomes
Consider this fact: "More than 50% of us (Canadians) are now overweight or obese, insulin resistant, and inflamed; the rates of diabetes are skyrocketing; and cancer and cardiovascular disease are the most common killers. Roughly 70% of chronic disease is caused, directly or indirectly, by what is referred to as the axis of illness: inflammation, […]
Bread you can eat on an anti-inflammatory diet
Many of my patients need to eat an anti-inflammatory diet in order to feel better, have more energy, sleep better, lose weight, eliminate bloating and move around without all those aches and pains. I spend a lot of my time teaching patients how to eat an anti-inflammatory diet. See my post here if you missed […]
5 important things to know about SIBO
There has been a lot of information floating around about SIBO on the health blogs these days. It seems that SIBO is the new Candida and everybody has it. But what exactly is SIBO and what are 5 things you should know about it? SIBO is an acronym for small bowel intestinal overgrowth. It occurs when […]
Why the 5 second rule is good for your immune system
Have you ever dropped a piece of food on the floor, shrugged your shoulders, and then picked it up and ate it anyway? I know I have. Not usually in front of other people though. Here are 3 reasons why eating a little dirt is not really that bad for us and surprise, it might […]
Top 3 things to know about probiotics
I had the pleasure of attending a lecture recently by Dr. Nigel Plummer, a respected researcher in the field of probiotics. Yes, there is a whole field of research on just probiotics alone. Probiotics and their impact on the microbiome is one of the areas of fastest growing research in the healthcare world. So what […]
Everyone’s favourite recipe from the Belly Fat Detox
A couple of weeks ago we finished the Belly Fat Detox with great success! We had a total of 40 participants and here are their results: Lot of energy Brain fog is gone Sugar cravings reduced No bloating And of course, what everyone wanted in the first place - weight loss! Today I am including […]
The #1 cause of aging and what to do about it
What do you think could age you faster? Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, or not enough sleep? If you picked sleep, you would be right. Sleep is such an important building block for our health yet in today's modern world it is often considered an inconvenience. How often do hear people get praised for "burning the […]
Making a healthy quiche – belly fat detox approved!
This recipe is a simple dish that you can have on the weekend for breakfast, if you are hosting a brunch, or even want a quick and simple dinner that is also a great leftover for lunch the next day. It gives you all the taste without the worry about your waistline. It will take […]
Manage instead of suppressing a fever
A fever is the body's perfect response to fighting infection. Why is it that our society is so trigger happy to suppress that perfect response? In a nutshell - fear. Instead of taking the time, energy, and effort to educate parents on the judicious use of fever suppressing medication, it is a lot easier to […]
5 reasons a CSA is good for your health
For the past 6 years I have used a CSA. I even consider them to be part of my health care team. I also promote CSA's to my patients. So if you don't know what they are, it's time to be in the know! CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. When you sign up, you […]
How I treat the stomach flu
Have you ever wondered what you can do if you get the stomach flu? I can happily say I made this video after the last time I had the flu...which was December 2015. Watch my video to hear about the treatment I used on myself, and that you can use too, if you get this […]
How to eat “better than before” in 2018
If you have been following Doctor as Teacher Tuesday for a while you might already know that Gretchen Rubin is one of my favourite authors to learn great ideas about habit change from. For the last two years in January I have recommended taking her Tendency Quiz to find out how to work with your […]
Simple ingredients + the right spices = awesome flavour
Ever wonder why ethnic food tastes so great? I'll let you in on a little secret - they use simple ingredients but the spices are what makes the meal amazing. The good news is that you can do the same thing in your own kitchen. Here is a simple recipe that I came across when […]
One way to improve your health this year
Welcome back from the holidays everyone! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and are ready to make 2018 one of the best year's yet. In order to do that I am going to keep one of my favourite quotes top of mind. "It's easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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