Welcome to our Blog

The office will be closed for the Civic Holiday on Monday August 1st as well as Friday August 5th. Our receptionist Wendy will be on holidays all week but the office will still be open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and our new part-time receptionist Jessica will be happy to help you.
Seminar “How your Psychology Becomes your Biology” Monday July 25th at 6pm
IMAGINE, starting each day like it is your Birthday!!! and being so excited that you can hardly wait to get out of bed!!! What is stopping you from living your ultimate life? We forget that it is our birthright to be happy. Learn How "Your Psychology Becomes Your Biology". That chronic nagging ailment from which […]
Space Available for Health Talks or Meetings
Are you a wellness practitioner who needs space to hold talks or meetings? At Quinte Naturopathic Centre we have expanded our office which now includes a seminar room on the second floor with a bathroom and kitchen. This space is available for rent at an hourly or daily rate for any health related seminars. The […]
QNC Welcomes Annie House, Certified Aromatherapy Health Professional (CAHP)
Annie House, Certified Aromatherapy Health Professional (CAHP) is the newest addition to the QNC team. Annie comes from Shropshire, England and has lived in Canada for the last 4 years. A university graduate, she gained a post graduate diploma in Career guidance and personal development. As a professional counsellor and trainer for almost 15 years Annie […]
Sprouting Seminar Saturday June 25th 10am -12noon
Back by popular demand! Join us for a Sprouting Seminar by Erika Wolff, raw food chef, on Saturday June 25th at 10am. Erika will teach us how to sprout seeds, legumes, grains & beans to increase protein and mineral content of our food & improve digestion. Enjoy a delicious breakfast and receive sprouting recipes, nut […]
Naturopathic Medicine Week Wrap-Up
Our final seminar for Naturopathic Medicine Week was given by Victoria Yeh, author of the book "Where Do I Start? Gluten-free, Dairy-free, and Sugar-free Cooking". Victoria shared her first hand experience on how to make these changes to everyday cooking and baking in a simple, informative way. If anyone has ever tried to make an equal […]
First Seminar for Naturopathic Medicine Week a Success
Approximately 12 people attended the first of our free seminars for Naturopathic Medicine Week and it was a great success. Dr. Daralyn Bates discussed how eating healthy on a budget can be a reality with examples from our local grocery stores. She also stressed the importance of eating nutrient dense foods to get the most value […]
FREE SEMINARS for Naturopathic Medicine Week May 9th – May 13th
Join us during Naturopathic Medicine Week for some FREE seminars at Quinte Naturopathic Centre. Naturopathic Medicine Week is a Canada wide annual awareness initiative, focusing on disease prevention and health promotion from a naturopathic perspective. These seminars are open to the public as well as patients of Quinte Naturopathic Centre. 1. "Eating Healthy on a […]
Reminders: 10 day Detox and Health & Fitness Expo
A reminder to everyone that you have until Tuesday to sign up for the 10 day group detox. The detox will start on Wednesday April 27th and end on the following Friday with a pot-luck lunch. Please call the office for further details at 613-966-9660. Another reminder about the Health & Fitness Expo next weekend. There will several […]
Health and Fitness Expo April 30 – May 1, 2011
Join us again this year at the Health and Fitness Expo being held at the Wally Dever Arena on April 30th and May 1st. Take this opportunity to meet Dr. Michelle Durkin and Dr. Daralyn Bates, chat about naturopathic medicine, and see how they can work with you to improve your health. You can also attend a seminar […]
10 DAY DETOX CHALLENGE April 27 – May 6, 2011
Spring is in the air and that means spring cleaning, and not just for your closet, for your body too! Detoxification is how our bodies process and eliminate metabolic waste from our cells as well as toxins from our food, water, air or other exposures as a result of our jobs, hobbies, or houses. For cells […]
5 Regrets of Dying
I recently received an email that re-enforced some concepts of life, the importance of prioritizing what is important, and to reduce stress in our lives to improve our health. It was entitled “Five Regrets of Dying”, written by a public health nurse, Pat Russell. I have posted her words here to inspire each of us: […]
Change to office hours for Winter Holidays
Please note that there will be a change in office hours at the end of Febuary as Dr. Durkin will be away on holidays. The office will still be open for patients of Dr. Bates, Janet Riley, and Gretchen Grenke. For patients to pick up supplements, Reception will be available during the following hours: Thursday […]
Reminder Free Seminar & Book Signing
Just a reminder everyone of our FREE Seminar and Book Signing this Thursday Feb. 10 from 7-8pm at Quinte Naturopathic Centre with Dawn James. See previous post for details or call the office.
Free Lecture Quinte Naturopathic Centre followed by Book Signing
When? Thursday Feb. 10th from 7-8pm Join us at Quinte Naturopathic Centre for an informative lecture by Dawn James - vibrational healer and author of "Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life". In this talk, Dawn will guide you through the connections between vibrational frequency, health, vitality, and life experiences. You will also learn one of […]
QNC Welcomes a New Associate, Dr. Daralyn Bates
Our team is growing again at QNC! We are happy to announce that Dr. Daralyn Bates, ND will be joining us on a part-time basis. She will be covering hours Dr. Durkin will not be available for due to her teaching schedule at Loyalist College. Patients will be able to book appointments with Dr. Bates on Mondays from 9am-1pm […]
CBC Marketplace and Homeopathy
There are plenty of reasons for concern that the episode of CBC's Marketplace is airing on Friday January 14th at 8pm. They are not providing a fair or accurate view of homeopathy, calling it an unproven practice, engaging skeptics in a group overdose, and interviewing an MD who calls it a scam and not evidence-based. […]
Supplement Spotlight & January Special
As the New Year begins and people are contemplating  what they want to focus on to make this year better, inevitably weight loss comes up. Some of the products used frequently at the office as part of a weight loss program are Ultra Meal, Ultra Meal 360, and UltraGlycemX  by Metagenics. Ultra Meal is a medical food powder […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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