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Mind-Body Bowen
Do you have pain you’ve been suffering with for a long time? Have you tried different therapies but can’t seem to get better? Let us introduce Mind-Body Bowen Therapy. Mind-Body Bowen takes physical healing to another level—that is, we apply holistic healing to address your pain. Our minds and bodies are connected, and often, deep-seated […]
Eating Organically
Articles arguing about the value of organic foods abound: some state organic is worth it, while some say not. Our reasoning here at the Quinte Naturopathic is that organic is good (no pesticides, herbicides, hormones, steroids, etc., really is better!). Even better, though, if freshness is a concern, is buying both locally and organically. While […]
Treat Your Heart with Love (and Omega 3s!)
It is a well-known fact that heart disease and other serious heart conditions are among the major killers in North America. One contributor to these ailments is bad fats, whether we wear it or ingest it, and we often hear mostly about this rather than the good fats than can help keep our heart healthy. […]
Important: Fee Changes for 2010
Please note that Dr. Michelle Durkin and Janet Riley, RN, have increased some of their fees. This is due to the ongoing training and education they have received over the last five years during which the rates have remained unchanged. Dr. Durkin: Bowen Therapy: $40 Acupuncture: $35 Initial Consultation: $140 Acute Consultation: $40IV therapy push: […]
Listen to Your Body in 2010
It’s that time of year again when we start coming down from the Christmas holidays and begin to gear up for the new year. If you’re anything like the many patients we see at this time of year, you’re likely quite exhausted now from family functions, lack of sufficient holidays, frantic shopping, and stress. Many […]
Christmas Gift Ideas
Having a hard time finding the perfect gift for that special someone? We all want the best for our loved ones, and especially to see them both healthy and happy. In that case, why not consider a gift certificate for an initial naturopathic consultation or follow-up appointment? If the person is stressed, tired, or struggling […]
Treat Acne Naturally
We have quite a few patients who come in because they have skin breakouts, some of them severe and diagnosed as cystic acne. They are often frustrated because they can’t find products to work on their skin and some products, usually prescribed, cause uncomfortable side effects. Many of these patients are adults who find their […]
Preparing You and Your Family for the H1N1 Flu Virus
This year has brought a different influenza season, as indicated by Health Canada. It is important that you and your family be prepared for the H1N1 flu virus. In preparing for this flu season, a new vaccine for H1N1 has just been developed and is available to the residents of the Quinte region. This vaccination […]
Rocia: All-Natural Skin Care at the Quinte Naturopathic Centre
Have you ever looked at the lists of ingredients that are in your makeup or skin care products? If so, you likely didn’t recognize many of the ingredients, and the list, if they provided it, was probably extensive. The shocking information about these lists is that they are mainly toxic chemicals. And the skin, as […]
The Art of Mastication (Yes, you read right!)
Eating well begins with the simple art of chewing. While many of us mow through our food and finish a meal in 5 or 10 minutes, we really should be chewing well to polarize the food with our system and in order to make smooth digestion possible. Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth. Thorough chewing […]
Eating Locally and Organically
It’s common knowledge that our fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides that cause cancer, and our meat and eggs are often full of steroids and antibiotics that don’t do us any favours as well. Because we see so many people at the clinic with problems related to diet and toxins, we highly recommend eating […]
Mercury Found in High-Fructose Corn Syrup
[Natural News] High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) accounts for the largest amount of calories in the average American diet. It can be found in processed foods of almost every kind - soda, bread, breakfast bars, processed dairy, crackers, soup, condiments, and others. The U.S. first began using HFCS heavily in the 1970’s as an inexpensive […]
Acupuncture for Insomnia
Insomnia is unfortunately a very common affliction of many of our patients. Whether you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, there is no doubt that the lack of sleep negatively affects your body in several ways. Lack of concentration, poor memory, impaired cell regeneration, headaches, dizziness, and so forth are all symptoms that can result from insomnia. The […]
Summer 2009 Newsletter
Naturopathic First Aid for Summer Burns -lessen swelling and blistering, and relieve pain by immediately immersing the burned area in cool not cold water or by applying cloths soaked in cool water -apply aloe vera gel topically; gel from the actual plant is best -homeopathic Cantharis 30 CH to heal the burn quicker and relieve […]
Are You Wasting Your Money on the Wrong Vitamin B12?
Vitamin B12 has long been held as an important factor in contributing to brain, eye, and heart health, as well as the formation of blood. Not having enough B12 can lead to disease, which is one reason it is important to have your levels tested if you suspect a deficiency, which can be indicated by […]
QNC Practitioners Specialized in Mother and Baby Bowen Therapy
QNC practitioners Michelle Durkin, ND, and Janet Riley, RN, completed advanced training on Mother and Baby Bowen over this past weekend. This course was a wonderful opportunity to increase the knowledge base of using the Bowen technique with pregnant women and babies to treat certain health conditions. The course was taught by a midwife and […]
How to Prevent and Treat Adrenal Fatigue
One of the most common results we see in testing patients at the Quinte Naturopathic Centre is adrenal fatigue. The adrenals are two triangular glands over the kidneys, and they produce essential hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, cortisol, cortisone, steroids, and chemicals such as adrenalin and norepinephrine. If your adrenals are not functioning normally, you […]
Do Your Research
How many times have you heard that you can’t believe everything you read? It’s true of media reports and the news, of reviews, blogs, and even memoirs and autobiographies. No matter what it is you read, there is always the possibility that there are untruths in the content, designed to manipulate the reader in some […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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