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Reminder office closed + Q & A you don’t want to miss
Don't forget we will be closed for a few days in July  Of course the first one is Wednesday July 1st, Canada's Birthday! We hope that you won't be at work either. We will also be closed Monday July 13th and Friday July 17th. Dr. Durkin will be away studying that week for her big […]
Does taking time off to study count as summer vacation?
  How many of you would agree that studying is a good way to spend summer vacation? Probably nobody. In fact, studying may be one of those things that brings back memories of stress, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition. It would also be the last thing you would associate with vacation or summer.     […]
Why writing a letter will prevent more cuts to your health care
Dr. Durkin and Dr. Bates attended the regional meeting for the OAND last Friday in Kingston hoping for some good news with respect to Naturopathic Doctor's ability to continue ordering specific lab tests like IgG food allergy testing, heavy metal testing, and saliva hormone testing. They were disappointed...As the regulation stands currently, NDs will still […]
Maya: “Busy is a choice”
Let’s face it. We don’t have to look very far these days to find an excuse that will more than justify when our actions are out of alignment with things that are important to us like eating healthy and exercising. I threw a frozen pizza in the oven because it’s been such a hectic week. […]
Support your ND with 1 click
If you have been following our Facebook group or the blog in the last couple weeks you will know that Naturopathic Doctors are undergoing a crucial time in their profession. If not, it is time to get you up to speed!   Currently there is a transition occurring for regulation of Naturopathic Doctors into the […]
It won’t be back until next year
Hi everyone! This is your last chance to sign up for Naturopathic Medicine Week events that we are holding at the clinic on Tuesday May 5th (Healthy People, Healthy Body Detox) and Wednesday May 6th (Stress & Adrenal Fatigue seminar). Please call or email reception to let us know you are attending. You are more than welcome […]
Let’s start the celebration!
  Every year Naturopathic Doctors across the country hold events to educate the public about how Naturopathic medicine can be beneficial to them. Each year Quinte Naturopathic Centre participates in this great event.     Traditionally Naturopathic Medicine Week is held the first week of May, but this year much to our surprise, a change […]
Ed: “I used to think sugar was just the white stuff”
Nothing makes Carolyn and I feel more fulfilled than hearing stories from our Eat Real Food Academy graduates like the one I'm sharing with you today. As a fitness fanatic, personal trainer, and CrossFit gym owner, Ed had always believed that exercise played the starring role in good overall health and weight maintenance. But now he wholeheartedly believes […]
Did you miss my videos?
Sorry to everyone who could not see the videos yesterday I sent out about 3 ways to be healthier this spring. There should have been one about the Eat Real Food Academy program and one about Meditation. You can find them both here: http://quintenc.ca/3-ways-to-be-healthier-this-spring/
3 Ways to be Healthier this Spring
I recently had a patient ask me what my secret was to always looking healthy, energetic, and young? I actually got a little embarrassed because I really don't feel like I have a secret. It made me start thinking, if she had this question I'm sure a lot of other people do to. So here's […]
Find out why bread and sugar are no longer tempting
We had the recent pleasure of interviewing Kim, a graduate of the Eat Real Food Academy program. It literally gives us goosebumps to hear about success like this from the simple act of eating real food. Restful sleep for the first time in years. Sustained energy throughout the day. Joint pain and hot flashes a thing of […]
The Choice is Yours
Without fail January is always the month where we have the most cancellations and re-scheduling of appointments. That commitment to health someone had in December all of a sudden becomes too overwhelming to face. Is it because people start to feel guilty about all the "bad choices" they made over the holidays? Is it the pressure […]
New Year, New Goals?
Are any of these your New Year's Resolutions? Lose weight Eat healthier Get to the gym because I want to lose weight Eat less fat because I want to lose weight Go back to Weight Watchers, Bernstein, insert diet program here "____" to lose weight Why keep doing things that give you the same results? […]
2014 Year in Review
This year has been a whirlwind at the Quinte Naturopathic Centre. I can't believe the year is almost over! Now that it is winding down I find myself reflecting on this year's events and I have started the tradition of asking myself these 3 questions:   1. What am I grateful for this year? 2. […]
Is eating real food really a diet?
Guest Post by Carolyn Coffin, Living Primal It's been almost three years since I published my website in an effort to guide people towards a healthier way of eating and living. Back then I agonized over what to name my site. What images to include that would encapsulate what my business was all about. What the tag […]
I Don’t Want To Scare You, But…
We only have three and a half weeks until Christmas! Please keep in mind our holiday schedule when booking appointments and picking up supplements: Wednesday December 24th (Christmas Eve): OPEN 9am - 2pm Christmas Day - Monday December 29th: CLOSED Tuesday December 30th: OPEN 9am - 1pm for Reflexology appointments or supplement pick-up only Wednesday […]
One Easy Way To Reduce Stress During the Christmas Rush
During the month of December come enjoy a Reflexology Treatment with Jessica Ruttan, RRPR. Registered Reflexologist, for only $50/hr.  Regular value $60/hr. This relaxing treatment will help to get you through the busy holiday season.  Reflexology helps to reduce stress and anxiety, helps with sleep disorders, and is very effective in relieving pain and tension […]
Only 1 Day Left to Register
Don't wait until the New Year to change your eating habits! Our last program for 2014 will be starting Wednesday Oct. 29th and registration will end at midnight on Tuesday Oct. 28th. Check out the link at Eat Real Food Academy for more details and then Sign Up Today! Stop working harder and start working […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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