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Save The Date: QNC Open House November 7th!!
Save The Date for our OPEN HOUSE Wednesday November 7th from 4pm - 8pm! Everyone is welcome. We would love to see newcomers as well as current or previous patients.  We are planning FREE mini health assessments, reflexology, aromatherapy, and foot exams!! The office will be open to tour through and meet our different practitioners: […]
It’s Chicken Time Again!!
Organic chickens are now available for purchase from Kaitlyns Koops! Kaitlyn has whole or quartered frozen chicken that have been raised certified organic in a free range indoor/outdoor pen. They have been butchered by a meat inspected abattoir. If you are concerned about the quaility of the meat you eat then this is definitely for […]
Gluten-Free Cooking Workshops
For the info of all of our patients who are currently gluten-free and for those looking to decrease the amount of gluten in our diets for a variety of health reasons here are some great summer workshops being hosted by Penny Morris at Penny's Pantry at 10 Elizabeth St. Picton, ON. 1. Gluten-free yeast Bread and Pancake making: Wednesday […]
How Important is it To Eat Organic?
This is a question that comes up often at the office. Watch this video to make your own decision. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/exBEFCiWyW0?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Based on reports from the Environmental Working Group the Dirty Dozen has been compiled. The Dirty Dozen is a list of the most heavily contaminated and sprayed foods. Peaches Apples […]
Quinte Naturopathic Centre is now on Facebook!
Yes, that is right, we have finally made it to Facebook! Now it is time to generate some "Likes" so we need your help. We hope to keep our page up to date with lots of info that anyone interested in holistic health care and naturopathic medicine would like to read. This will include articles, videos, quotes, […]
Summer Sprouting Event Saturday July 28th at 9am
Want to learn about a technique that may improve cardiovascular health, prevent heart disease and stroke, improve bone mineral density, and protect DNA against free radical damage?  Then learning to sprout is for you! Join us for a Sprouting Seminar by Erika Wolff, raw food chef, on Saturday July 28th at 9am. Erika will teach us how to […]
New at QNC this Summer 2012: Reflexology
I’m delighted to announce that reflexology is now offered at our clinic!  We have a new team member Katherine Conchie (Tuesdays) and myself - Annie House (Thursdays) who are certified reflexologists and members of the RRCO in Canada. We are both committed to offering best practice and gaining further training in the field of reflexology – your […]
Patient Support Needed for Naturopathic Doctors & New Government Regulations
Support Naturopathic Doctors: Tell the Government Not to Approve Proposed Restrictions on Practice Thank you for helping with this campaign. Your voice, as a patient and supporter of naturopathic medicine, is powerful. Please tell the Ontario government to not approve the proposed Naturopathy Act regulations until needed changes are made. Go to http://oand.org/advocacy/ to make your […]
Celebrate Naturopathic Medicine Week May 6th – 12th at QNC
Naturopathic Medicine Week is a Canada-wide initiative to increase awareness about Naturopathic Medicine in our communities. In celebration of this week our doctors, Dr. Michelle Durkin, Dr. Daralyn Bates, and Dr. Andrea Bull are hosting the following events for the public. Please call 613-966-9660 or email reception@quintenc.ca to register. Tuesday May 8th: "Backyard Pharmacy", with Dr. Daralyn Bates, […]
Confused about Gluten?
Now is your chance to clear the confusion about gluten. Attend our FREE seminar being offered during Naturopathic Medicine Week, Wednesday May 9th at 6:30pm, with Dr. Andrea Bull called Defining Gluten Sensitivity. In honour of Celiac Awareness Month she will explore the differences of gluten sensitivity, wheat allergy, and celiac disease in terms of […]
The Healthy Living Expo April 28th & 29th Wally Dever Arena
Anyone in Belleville and the surrounding area interested in improving their health should be at this expo! Mark the date on your calendar! Stop by our booth and test your knowledge of Naturopathic Medicine and qualify to win a gift basket full of healthy supplements, skin care products, and more. Also join our Naturopathic Doctor, […]
Is Sugar Toxic?
A recent episode of 60 minutes (thanks Bryan for the heads up!) talked about the toxic effects of sugar according to new research. Finally mainstream media is starting to publish what naturopathic doctors have been talking about for years! This is certainly not new research to us. I cannot count the number of times I have educated a […]
Ladies Night Out! Secrets to having Beautiful Skin!
Join Annie House for a Fun and Informative talk on Natural Skin Care Products on Wednesday April 18th from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. Annie will inform people about the toxins found in many commercial skin care products and explain how her products are safe to use on the skin. She will also talk about how to […]
QNC Welcomes Dr. Andrea Bull, ND
The staff at QNC warmly welcome Dr. Andrea Bull, ND to our team. Dr. Bull is working part-time and is  now accepting new patients. Appointments with Dr. Bull can be booked on Wednesdays and Fridays. Look for her bio on our practitioners page in the near future!
Aromatherapy and Cancer Patients
As promised from my last entry I wanted to share my interest in Cancer care as an aromatherapist. Many of our patients know I’m from Shropshire , England and historically aromatherapy has been part of complementary care in the UK for some time. I can remember my mom being really excited about aromatherapy , herbs , Bach remedies and […]
FYI for patients: Dr. Durkin on Holidays Feb. 20th – Mar 2nd
When Dr. Durkin is away on holiday from Feb. 20th - Mar 2nd Dr. Daralyn Bates or Dr. Andrea Bull will be available to cover appointments during modified hours for patients needing to come in during her absence. Reception will also be available the following modified hours for patients to pick up supplements: Monday Feb. 20th […]
Wanted: Patients to talk about their experience with Naturopathic Medicine on Cogeco TV
Recently Dr. Durkin was interviewed about Naturopathic Medicine for our local Cogeco TV through Loyalist College. The production crew is looking for patients that would be interested in sharing their stories about Naturopathic Medicine on camera to augment the segment. Please contact the office if you are interested ASAP. They are scheduled to air the […]
Visit Our Booth on Family Wellness Day www.familywellnessday.ca

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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