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Candace Enjoys “Cheats” Guilt-free for the First Time in her Life
We had the opportunity to catch up with one of our recent Eat Real Food Academy graduates about her experience with the program. Find out how a simple and manageable switch to real food has helped this busy, working mother increase her energy, improve her acne, and kiss her PMS symptoms goodbye. Did you have […]
I Know You’ve Been Waiting….Registration is now OPEN!
  Registration is Now Open for the Eat Real Food Academy. This is a 30 day program designed to get you on track (or get you back on track) to eating real food. Dr. Durkin has been been running this program with Carolyn Coffin from Living Primal since October 2013 with great success for those who want […]
Cold and Flu Season: Is it starting already?
Hello Patients and Friends! I have started to get questions regarding cold and flu prevention now that the leaves are falling and the weather is quite a bit cooler. Here are a few tips and supplements available again this year to help you through the season: 1. Eat Immune-Positive Foods: Vitamin C is definitely a cold-fighter, […]
Only 1 Week Left to Register So Here’s a Good Story…
Skye: PMS, Bloating and Cravings a Thing of the Past We checked in with Skye, a graduate from one of the very first Eat Real Food Bootcamps (ERFB), to see how she is feeling six months after the program. Watch her full video below or read a quick summary of Skye's experience here. If you're inspired by […]
Registration is Now OPEN!
      Registration is Now Open for the Eat Real Food Academy. This is a 30 day program designed to get you on track (or get you back on track) to eating real food. Dr. Durkin has been running this program with Carolyn Coffin from Living Primal since October 2013 with great success for […]
August Events at QNC
August is going to be a busy month at QNC. Here are some dates and details that you should be aware of: 1. Breast Thermography Clinic: Friday August 15th Breast exams without the squeeze! Thermography examines the whole chest, breasts and armpit areas. It is good for all ages: puberty, pregnant, breast-feeding, pre-menopausal years and […]
Most Allergies Begin – And Can Be Treated – In the Gut
Guest Post by Dr. Alfred Hauk, Naturopathic Doctor Between March and the first frost, Ontario has three seasons replete with outdoor environmental allergens, as well as year-round indoor environmental allergens, such as mites, dust and pet dander. Many of the over-the-counter allergy remedies and prescribed pharmaceuticals do an excellent job of relieving symptoms chemically but don’t […]
Getting Involved in the Community
We really love getting involved with the community we live and work in. Last year we had our first team in the Relay for Life event at Loyalist College. This year we would like to do it again, only bigger, and we want you to get involved! 1. Yard Sale to Raise Funds: We are […]
3 Ways to Feel Better Before Summer
Before you know it summer will be here so why not start now? Take advantage of these 3 opportunities to learn how to feel better and then you can enjoy everything summer has to offer.   Interactive Open House at Quinte Naturopathic Centre:                         […]
Save The Date!
We are soooo Excited to be celebrating our 10 Year Anniversary and we want You to Join Us! Please save the date, Saturday May 10th from 1pm - 4pm as we will be holding an Open House to celebrate this special occasion. We would be honored to have as many of you as possible attend, as […]
New Faces at QNC
Don't be surprised to see some new faces at QNC over the next month, and a familiar face in a new role, as we have added to our Team and the services we can offer at QNC! If you haven't been in for a while it is time to come out of hibernation and do […]
5 Reasons to Join the Eat Real Food Bootcamp
Most of us equate eating healthy with deprivation - or worse. We think hunger, weird food, celery as our only snack and cravings. We might feel better when we reach our goal, but is it really worth it? The thing is, you don't have to suffer. There is a way of eating healthy food that's […]
February Holiday Schedule
It has been a real Canadian winter so Dr. Durkin and our full-time receptionist Jessica, are looking forward to their winter get-aways to somewhere warm. The office will still be open while they are away with some special hours. Dr. Daralyn Bates and Anna, our part-time receptionist, will be covering. Please take note of the […]
Beat those January Blues
Want to prevent a slump into the January blues? Here are some simple tips to help: 1. You are what you eat. In a new study by researchers at Harvard School of Public Health, women whose diet includes more foods that trigger inflammation—like sugar-sweetened or diet soft drinks, refined grains, red meat, and margarine—and fewer foods […]
Buy Local in 2014
I recently received an email from my local CSA to remind me to sign up for the 2014 season. What is a CSA you ask? The Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a system that connects you the consumer directly to fresh, locally grown, herbicide and chemical free food in your area. You pay an annual […]
I know you can be a success story too! Registration is now open!
  Registration is Now Open for the Eat Real Food Academy. This is a 30 day program designed to get you on track (or get you back on track) to eating real food. Registration will remain open until Tuesday January 20th at midnight. Do you need to start feeling better? Have you felt better in the […]
It’s The New Year (Almost), Why Do You Want to Lose Weight?
Here is a great Guest Post by Carolyn Coffin, Physiotherapist and Health Coach with Living Primal as you start thinking about the New Year. Thank-you Carolyn for sharing. I understand that many people aspire to lose weight. But if you've ever been my client or followed my blog, you know that I'm not crazy about […]
How Do You Want to FEEL in 2014?
Forget about the New Year's Resolution this year, does it really stick anyway? Those of us who are "good goal-setters" may freak out a little. What am I talking about? This doesn't mean you all of a sudden abandon your short and long-term goals, these are still very important. We need to change how we […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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