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Do you need to balance your hormones?
Think about your hormones like a symphony orchestra. When they are all working together in harmony it is a beautiful experience. But when one of them is out of tune, it can be a hot mess! Keeping hormones in balance is one of the greatest challenges that women AND men have in modern society. Our […]
How modern medicine is echoing ancient wisdom
It would be very hard to argue the medical advances that we have made in the last century. I for one, am very grateful that I live in a time where I have access to antibiotics, modern day surgery techniques, and emergency drugs like an epi pen. These are all extremely helpful in emergency management […]
The case of mysterious abdominal pain
Abdominal pain can be a tricky symptom to treat. There can be multiple causes, not just in the digestive system, but in other systems as well where it can mimic a digestive problem. Often many tests are done like bloodwork, ultrasounds, X-rays, colonoscopies, and endoscopies. And all of them can be "normal". So what do […]
Seed cycling for hormone balance
One of the biggest indicators of hormone imbalance for women is an irregular period. This will often occur during natural large hormonal shifts like puberty, peri-menopause, or post-partum. But now it seems all too common outside of these times with our busier, more stressful lives, and our increased exposure to chemicals. Often I am asked, […]
Sneak peak of a 10 day detox recipe
Over the last year my office has organized and completed three 10 day detoxes for our patients and their family and friends. As with many things this past year, each detox was focused on the immune system. We will be running one more immune detox starting in a couple weeks. So don't forget to sign […]
3 easy ways to check the health of your nervous system
Did you know that up to 90% of doctor's visits for a chronic complaint are due to stress?That's an alarming figure. But when you consider the nervous system controls the majority of our bodily functions it makes sense that a healthy body results from a healthy nervous system. There are only 3 things a cell […]
Guest Post – Injury Prevention
Many of my clients come to me with pain from injuries. Preventinginjuries is much better than treating the aftermath. Here are somesteps you can take to minimize your injury risk: 1. Stay active. Many injuries happen from people using their musclesin ways that their bodies are not used to. Staying active will helpkeep you limber, […]
The 3 most common causes of restless leg syndrome
Restless leg syndrome (RLS). That uncomfortable sensation in your legs that creates an irresistible urge to move them. And an annoying symptom that disrupts your ability to fall asleep or return to sleep on waking at night. So what is causing these aching, throbbing, pulling, itching, crawling, or creeping sensations that can be so disruptive […]
This month’s recipe is good for your heart!
One of my favourite healthy snacks is nuts or seeds with a couple squares of dark chocolate. I like to buy the 70% dark chocolate small squares at Costco or Lindt red pepper chili dark chocolate. Why is this snack good for your heart? Nuts and seeds have good fats, like omega 3, and protein […]
Why “just live with it” is not a good solution most of the time
One of the things that I have decided to focus on this year is to write more about the types of medical problems that walk through my door and how I treat them. Often I will tell someone about a certain health condition that I treated (usually with success), and the common response is "Oh, […]
The #1 cause of aging and what to do about it
What do you think could age you faster? Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, or not enough sleep? If you picked sleep, you would be right. Sleep is such an important building block for our health yet in today's modern world it is often considered an inconvenience. How often do hear people get praised for "burning […]
Could saying grace be more common sense and less religious?
When I was growing up we always said grace before every meal. It was a tradition that was part of the religion I grew up with. Now taking a picture of your meal seems to have become the norm. But should you stop saying grace just because you put it in the category of religious […]
The Belly Fat Detox recipe your whole family will love
Changing your diet is likely much easier than changing that of your family. But are there recipes that are healthy, that everyone will like? Sure there are. It just takes a little effort, experimentation, and an open mind to find a few that work for your family. Here is one that I included for those […]
Is it time to improve your baseline health?
Welcome back from holidays everyone! I hope you had a wonderful, quiet holiday and you are ready to make a positive shift in your health. Shout out to anyone who signed up for the Belly Fat Detox that starts next week...you are awesome!!! If 2020 has taught us anything, it is that your baseline health […]
Ending the year with the Jar of Awesome
Every year around New Year's Day I review my year and take time to celebrate the “little things”. Many of you have read my Jar of Awesome from previous years but for those of you who haven’t here’s a little background. The jar of awesome is a simple task that I first heard about listening […]
10 things a supplement won’t fix
I sometimes have a new patient that comes in with a bag full of supplements that they are taking or have tried in the past. Often it will make me cringe.I feel bad for them because they have fallen prey to the myth that there is a pill to cure every ill and this couldn't be […]
Dr. Durkin’s food sensitivity friendly Christmas recipe
This month's recipe is just in time for Christmas! Do you have food sensitivities? Or maybe someone in your family does. Holidays tend to be a challenging time for these individuals because there is usually more food around that will make them feel sick. One tip (and recipe) that I can share to help make […]
Guest Post – Origins of Neck Pain
In a previous post I discussed a few origins of low back pain. Today I'm going to talk about a few reasons for developing the most common cause for neck pain: anterior head carriage. The more forward your head is in front of your body the harder your neck muscles have to work to keep […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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