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Why osteoporosis might not be a calcium problem
Did you know that the countries that consume the most dairy products also have the highest incidence of osteoporosis? Countries like Denmark, Sweden, and Norway have hip fracture rates of 165 per 100 000 people up to 190 per 100 000 people versus South Africa and New Guinea whose rates are 6.8 and 3.1 per […]
One of the best kept secrets to longevity
What do you think could age you faster? Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, or not enough sleep? If you picked sleep, you would be right. Sleep is such an important building block for our health yet in today's modern world it is often considered an inconvenience. How often do hear people get praised for "burning the […]
Video episode – the top 3 causes of chronic inflammation
Do you suffer from chronic muscle or joint pain, eczema, obesity, colitis, or hypertension? This is just a small list of diseases that have inflammation as the root cause. Watch this video episode of Doctor as Teacher Tuesday to hear me discuss the top 3 causes of chronic inflammation. Now I would love to hear […]
New technology = growing pains, can you relate?
If you have ever had to implement a new technology or a new system, either at home or at work, I'm sure you can relate. You will go through growing pains. If you keep up-to-date with your emails from QNC you will have noticed that we are switching over to an electronic medical record system. […]
The best no fail crock pot recipe
  Crock pots recipes are great to have on hand especially if you are a busy mom who works full-time and rushes home to make a great meal for her family. Here's one of my favourites, Bacon-Wrapped Chicken. I have made this one a few times for pot-lucks and family gatherings and no one is […]
Why I invoke the five second rule
Have you ever dropped a piece of food on the floor, shrugged your shoulders, and then picked it up and ate it anyway? I know I have. Not usually in front of other people though. Here are 3 reasons why eating a little dirt is not really that bad for us and surprise, it might […]
Manage instead of suppressing a fever
A fever is the body's perfect response to fighting infection. Why is it that our society is so trigger happy to suppress that perfect response? In a nutshell - fear. Instead of taking the time, energy, and effort to educate parents on the judicious use of fever suppressing medication, it is a lot easier to […]
Why changing your diet didn’t lower your cholesterol
  Have you ever tried to get somewhere using the wrong map? That is exactly what most people are doing when they are trying to lower their cholesterol following mainstream nutritional advice. Eat only egg whites, eat margarine not butter and whatever you do don’t eat red meat! Unfortunately this misguided nutritional advice is going […]
Make your own bone broth
Last week on Doctor as Teacher Tuesday I wrote about the benefits of bone broth. Now it's time to take action with your new knowledge. Here is a demo on how easy it is to make your own bone broth from my friend and blogger Carolyn with the Eat Real Food Academy. [video_player type="youtube" width="560" […]
3 reasons bone broth is so good for you
Have you ever heard the saying “what’s old becomes new again”? Well it is certainly true when we think about bone broth. Do you remember grandma’s bone broth soup being the cure all for everything when you were little? And think about the million dollar success of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Turns […]
What I take when I travel
I love sun! I would much rather be too hot than too cold any day of the week. That is why I always take my vacation in the winter so that I can go somewhere warm. One question that I get often when patients are travelling down south is about the vaccines recommended for travellers. I […]
What I do when I have the stomach flu – Video episode
Have you had the stomach flu yet this season? I can say that I unfortunately have experienced it first hand. Watch my video to hear about the treatment I used on myself and that you can use too if you get this nasty bug! [video_player type="youtube" width="560" height="315" align="center" margin_top="0" margin_bottom="20"]aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS85ZVhoaGQwbkd2VQ==[/video_player]   Now I would […]
My husband’s signature dish – Shrimp Creole
  What does Betty Crocker and my husband have in common? One of my favourite winter recipes - Shrimp Creole. Believe it or not this recipe comes from a Betty Crocker recipe card that my mother-in-law gave to my husband when he started living on his own. Over the years he has perfected the spices […]
Back by popular demand – how to start the new year off right
  I believe that food, exercise, sunlight, fresh air, relationships, and stress affect our health more than we will ever know. It is these things that we need to be spending our time, money, and effort on in order to live a healthy life. It is our daily habits that will determine the overall quality […]
Ask yourself these 3 questions before the end of the year
I can't believe 2016 is pretty much over. I also can't believe that I have published approximately 50 editions of Doctor as Teacher Tuesday. So I want to end this year by bringing you a little preview of what I am going to try to do more of next year - video! As always please […]
Holiday hours and updated fee schedule for 2017
Happy holidays everyone! I can't believe how quickly it has snuck up on us this year. Please take note of our office holiday hours: Friday Dec. 23rd - OPEN until 1pm Monday Dec 26th (Boxing Day) - CLOSED Tuesday Dec 27th (stat holiday in lieu of Christmas Day) - CLOSED Wednesday Dec 28th and Thursday Dec […]
I only make these cookies once a year
The Christmas season tends to be the most common time of year that people stray away from their healthy eating goals. I find it interesting how the indulgences of Christmas Day have evolved over time to span the entire month of December. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Christmas cookies that my mom makes […]
The best blood test to determine your risk of developing diabetes
Wouldn't it be important to know whether or not you are at risk of developing diabetes ten or even twenty years in advance? Well with this blood test it is entirely possible to do just that. One of the most common underlying causes of weight gain, fatigue, poor sleep, high blood pressure, and aching joints […]

Quinte Naturopathic Centre

173 Church Street

Belleville, ON K8N 3C1



Hours of Operation:

Monday 10am - 7pm

Tuesday 9am - 6pm

Wednesday 9am - 6pm

Thursday 9am - 6pm

Friday 9am - 2pm


NOTE: Our building is not wheelchair accessible

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