naturopathic doctor

How do you know if you have chronic inflammation?

Inflammation is one of the most common underlying disease processes that we know of. Therefore if you prevent inflammation you are preventing chronic disease. Because inflammation is heavily influenced by diet, every year I invite patients to join my five week group Inflammation Detox so look for your invitation coming soon in September! And how

How do you know if you have chronic inflammation? Read More »

What does a naturopathic doctor eat for breakfast?

Today’s post is a simple video on one of the things that I eat for breakfast. For some reason breakfast seems to be a big hurdle for people to change. Without good examples of how you can do things differently, that don’t sacrifice time or convenience, you can easily slip into old, unhealthy habits. Let’s

What does a naturopathic doctor eat for breakfast? Read More »

Should I take a statin?

Well, the short answer is it depends. Statin therapy is standard first-line treatment for primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in patients with elevated low- density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, those with diabetes mellitus who are 40 to 75 years of age, and those determined to be at sufficient risk after a clinician–patient risk discussion. Currently

Should I take a statin? Read More »